Sunday, July 22, 2012

Good Memories & Good Times

We traveled to Love Valley, NC to celebrate the life of my Uncle Jack. He died after a battle with lung cancer. As someone shared, he was loved by many-- horse and man! It was a good celebration and we have a lot of good memories to treasure. Scott & Hannah Banana are on their way back from New Orleans! They had a fantastic experience celebrating peacemaking, justice, & discipleship at the ELCA Youth Gatering this past week.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pink Tennies are Close to Home

Lyd and I are back to cleaning up "headquarters" today!  It's good to be at home.  We've enjoyed Math Camp, VBS and endured the adventure of a Broamlette first broken bone this week!  Grammy and Pop Pop are leaving Michigan today and headed back this way too.  Home is a good place to be.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hiking in the Heat

Another day of 100 degrees . . . After picking up the boys from Lutheridge, we explored DuPont State Forest on Saturday. We checked out a covered bridge, a couple waterfalls, a l-o-n-g black snake climbing a tree--It was almost a four mile excursion. We did some swimming when we got home & that was refreshing! The boys had a great time at camp. I finished up Wicked Business on the way home. We're hunkering down for another HOT day. Make sure you drink plenty of water today!