Monday, February 10, 2014

Chicago and Pop Pop

I survived my adventure to Chicago!  WHEW?!  Planes, trains, snow .  .  . it's like walking around in a FREEZER?!  I thoroughly enjoyed the training, and I'm signing up for the next 30 hours of instruction in April.  I told Pop Pop, I was thankful to have the opportunity to follow this dream.  He said you'd always would have wondered if you could've done it .  .  . I'm thankful for parents who continue to encourage me to THINK and DREAM in BIG WAYS!

Pop Pop asked me to the Daddy Daughter dance this past weekend.  Of the 915 participants, most kiddos were five or so .  .  . but we were one upped?!  There was a dad who was 80 years old with his daughter!  Happy Valentines Day, Pop Pop!  I love you.