Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chicago 2X

2nd trip to the Windy City was a "piece of cake!"  All except the part where I had to walk around the police cars and caution tape .  .  . and then the story Jessica told me about a train operator falling asleep at the wheel and running into the escalators at O'Hare .  .  . AAAAAHHHHH??!!

The weather is pleasant.  It's 60 degrees right now.  NO SNOW --YEE HAW!  But that sidewalk is rough as a cob .  .  .  I'm so thankful the suitcase rolls so well.  :-)

The other guest is "Carlo" -- he is Italian.  I'll meet him tomorrow!

My class is at 9:00 in the morning!  I'll have time to get cleaned up and breakfasted and NOT be in a big rush.  I'm just a couple blocks away from the training location!!

Thank you for your well wishes, happy thoughts and prayers.  I'm so thankful for this opportunity, and I appreciate all your help and support to make it happen.

Here's a pic from the first go round in January:  

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